Sunday, January 15, 2006
13!!! 13!!!! 13!!!
today's the 15th rite??... ok... im turnin 13 in 2 days!!!!!!!! yay!!!! means 2 more days of living the life of a 12 year old... im sure i wont miss a thing abt being 12... well... maybe some la. like 6p2005!!!!!!!!! my best best class EVER!!! wish we could be together as 6p again... but sigh... hmm... let me think... do i have anything else i miss???... ermm... err... mmm... ok... maybe all the fun times i had. im looking forward to 13!!!! im finally gonna be a teen... after 12 long years of waitin...
anyway... what sucks is that i got a friggin test on monday! the friggin day before my special day... sigh... and that stupid friggin test is like TOMORROW! im so gonna die... havent studied!!!! shit shit shit!!! im gonna flunk my test... im not actually worried about my english test... im just worried about my chinese... ARGH!!!
dammit... gotta go study for my friggin test!!! ARGH!!!
today's the 15th rite??... ok... im turnin 13 in 2 days!!!!!!!! yay!!!! means 2 more days of living the life of a 12 year old... im sure i wont miss a thing abt being 12... well... maybe some la. like 6p2005!!!!!!!!! my best best class EVER!!! wish we could be together as 6p again... but sigh... hmm... let me think... do i have anything else i miss???... ermm... err... mmm... ok... maybe all the fun times i had. im looking forward to 13!!!! im finally gonna be a teen... after 12 long years of waitin...
anyway... what sucks is that i got a friggin test on monday! the friggin day before my special day... sigh... and that stupid friggin test is like TOMORROW! im so gonna die... havent studied!!!! shit shit shit!!! im gonna flunk my test... im not actually worried about my english test... im just worried about my chinese... ARGH!!!
dammit... gotta go study for my friggin test!!! ARGH!!!
Sunday, January 08, 2006
school has officially started... so sian... all my frens not same class... what makes it worst is that all of them are in the SAME class as each other...
well... excluding cheryl and melissa la... and kt and annabell same class oso...
sigh... argh... aiya... but luckily i dont haf nat's teacher la. wait... maybe teachers. one of them actually told abby "not to give me that bitchy look" wth la...
anyway... my home ecs teacher like spent freakin 1/2 an hr tokking abt some menstration shit la... so bo liao...
away from sch:
3 freaky guys sent me weird msgs on friendster... dunno who the hell they are la... they juz give me the creeps... sigh... urgh... feel like puking whenm i read the msgs... im not gonna say what they said... not nescasary... its all bull la... i do want them to go to hell and stop harrassing me la... i so wanted to ask them to #$!^ off la... sigh... other than THAT^^, im ok... tryin to get used to the ppl around me la... sian la...
school has officially started... so sian... all my frens not same class... what makes it worst is that all of them are in the SAME class as each other...
well... excluding cheryl and melissa la... and kt and annabell same class oso...
sigh... argh... aiya... but luckily i dont haf nat's teacher la. wait... maybe teachers. one of them actually told abby "not to give me that bitchy look" wth la...
anyway... my home ecs teacher like spent freakin 1/2 an hr tokking abt some menstration shit la... so bo liao...
away from sch:
3 freaky guys sent me weird msgs on friendster... dunno who the hell they are la... they juz give me the creeps... sigh... urgh... feel like puking whenm i read the msgs... im not gonna say what they said... not nescasary... its all bull la... i do want them to go to hell and stop harrassing me la... i so wanted to ask them to #$!^ off la... sigh... other than THAT^^, im ok... tryin to get used to the ppl around me la... sian la...